
Today's Daily Text

 This is today's Daily Text. One thing I was told by more than one sister in regard to examining the Bible is that it helps to put yourself into it.  Not in an ego- building way, but in a "Oh, He's talking to me!" sort of way.  Today's Daily Text starts with 1 Thessalonians 4:11, which is some very good advice for this modern age, as it was good advice for all other ages, too. Read clinically, its some basic good advice, something that was written a long time ago to a certain congregation but which has some application today.  Read personally, I am told "Arletta, live quietly. Really work at living quietly."  followed by "Arletta, mind your own business. You have enough troubles. Do not get caught up in the worldly whirlwind of social media. Keep focused on what you need to get done and how you need to live."  Then, it goes on to say, "Arletta, do your work. Don't delegate it to someone else. You do it and take pride in it."  foll